I recently found this amazing book. A friend gave it to me and we read it simultaneously. Every other day, one of us would call the other with a “My mind was just blown away!” or a giggling laughing asking why we had to wait so long to find these simple explanations to everything we struggled with. This book is a lot like the Course in Miracles in that they both give practical steps to waking up to the present, show forgiveness as a means to do so, and were both written by the same guy. I like to say that the Course was written by Jesus the rabbi/poet, while the Way was written by Jeshua the carpenter. Both incredibly beautiful books, both life changing, both written on many levels. The Way of Mastery, just a little bit easier to understand and apply. It’s funnier. I’ve been studying the Course for many years now and will never lay it aside, but now the Way of Mastery is just as dear to me. I didn’t think it could happen.
If you live in the DC area and would like to come to a gathering to discuss this wonderful book, feel free to call. -Renee