I’m trying to think of a way to set this up so we don’t add to the many texts and emails that we all get. Maybe I’ll make a forum page. In the meantime, I’ll just post them here. So this month we are studying Lesson 1
Way of Mastery Exercises The Goal is Christed (or Buddha, or Higher Self or Divine) Consciousness and the fulfillment of what your soul desires – forgiveness, happiness, connection.
Lesson 1 The Way That Calls You Home
- The first step in awakening is to allow into the mind this axiom of truth:
Nothing that you experience is caused by anything outside of you.
You experience only the effects of your own choice. - Only God’s plan for salvation can work for you.
I have done all this; I must undo it.
But I have no idea how I did this.
Therefore, I must surrender to something else. - Close your eyes for just a moment. Take a deep breath into the body and let it go. As the breath leaves the body, hold the thought that there is nothing worth holding onto any longer that keeps your peace and happiness at arm’s length. Become committed –fully committed– to the experience of happiness, even as you have been fully committed to unhappiness, limitation and lack. Give your creator full permission to sweep the basement clean. There really is not anything down there worth defending or protecting.
So, every day, let’s remind ourselves of the first two points, and practice #3, letting go. If anyone wants to claim the job of reminding us once a day though a group text to simply “Let it go now, babe (darling, sweetie, friend…).” at a random time each day, that would be great. If you want to discuss experiences as they are occurring, (because this work will call up experiences, some trying) maybe it’s best to do that here in the comments section of the page to keep our texting minimal for those of us who are easily distracted from our paying jobs (me for one, ADD-ish). If someone comments on your comment, you’ll be notified if you put your email address in the form.
followgram.net says
Relationships that no longer hold a lesson can drain energy so we need to assess which ones are genuinely serving us. We are either expanding or contracting at all times. If someone makes us contract, discern whether he or she has a lesson. If not, release the relationship and move on. If they do have a lesson to offer, the highest choice is to welcome the challenge because if we ignore it, it will manifest in another relationship. Have you noticed repetitive patterns in relationships? The only way to break the pattern is to embrace the insights the challenges yield. Co-dependent relationships cause a huge loss of energy. This is when we are trying to control others or trying to please them. We attempt to control others when we fear change and are desperately trying to make someone fit into our world view. We attempt to please others when we allow their expectations to determine our actions. An example is every time our mother comes over, we work extra hard because the little girl inside wants approval.