A Miracle from Erinn in Maryland… When struggling with a major decision of any kind, I started the practice of praying and asking God to give me “signs” that I would understand. I found that often, over the years, messages would come via license plates. It seemed that if God had something to tell me, he would put just the right car in my path.
I met my husband in September of 2011 at a Course in Miracles group (of course!). We became fast friends, and after some time, it was clear that he wanted to take things farther. He was 14 yrs my senior, and not what I would consider, at least at that time, my “type.” I was very torn as to whether I should take the plunge and give this guy a chance.
I was driving on 270 one afternoon headed to work, and asked God to show me a “sign,” that this relationship was worth pursuing. My husband, being Chinese, had taught me “I love you,” which is “wo ai ni” some months before. Within a few minutes of asking the question, a vehicle cut me off, almost hitting me. Before I could blurt out the usual expletives, I glanced at the license plate, and it said, WO AI NI.
I went with it, and we have been married for almost 3 yrs. We now have a beautiful little girl.
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